目前分類:改造 Moddify (3)

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Next, let's do something about upper body.  This pair of cannons will be the one.

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These were taken before changing.

海天過客 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

兩三年沒動工做鋼模,一動工乾脆就把之前買的六號機泥岩改造部件處理一下,再拿台1/100 MG的RX-78-NT1配合。

I have not done any assambling off my GUNDAM for about 3 years, and that was not a bad idea to use my MG 1/100 RX78-NT1 plus the bought extra parts of building RX-78-6 Mudrock for the restart.

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